Week | Session | Thinking For Yourself (TFY) | TFY Chapter | Critical Reading for College and Beyond(CRCB) | CRCB Chapter |
18-Jan | 1 | Observation | 1 | Reading | 1 |
25-Jan | 2 | Word Precision | 2 | Vocabulary | 2 |
1-Feb | 3 | Facts | 3 | Memory | 3 |
8-Feb | 4 | Inferences | 4 | Time | 4 |
15-Feb | 5 | Assumptions | 5 | Main Ideas | 5 |
22-Feb | 6 | Opinions | 6 | Details | 6 |
29-Feb | 7 | Evaluations | 7 | Inference | 7 |
7-Mar | 8 | Review | - | Review | - |
14-Mar | 9 | MT, ePortfolio/Blog | - | Strategies | 9 |
28-Mar | 10 | Midterm Exercise Viewpoints | 8 | Marking | 10 |
4-Apr | 11 | Argument | 9 | Adv Strategies | 11 |
11-Apr | 12 | Fallacies | 10 | Arguments | 12 |
18-Apr | 13 | Inductive Reasoning | 11 | Cognitive Domain | 13 |
25-Apr | 14 | Deductive Reasoning | 12 | Evaluation | 14 |
2-May | 15 | Research Paper ePortfolio | Appendix | Applications Review | - |
9-May | 16 | Final | - | - | - |
Critical Thinking
Spring 2008
9:30 – 12:15
Units: 3 = 45 lecture hours
Prerequisite/Co-requisite Courses: None
Instructor: Dr. Sylvia Y. R. Schoemaker
Phone: 510.628.8036
Office Hours: T-Th 9-9:30, 12; 15-1 and by arrangement
E-mail: drsylvia2008@gmail.com
Required texts:
Mayfield, M. (2007). Thinking for yourself (7th Ed.). Boston: Thomson Wadsworth. ISBN: 1-4130-1772-X (TFY)
Daiek, D., & Anter, N.(2004) Critical reading for college and beyond. New York: McGraw-Hill.ISBN: 0072473762 (CRCB)
Recommended Text:
Harris, Robert. A. Creative Problem Solving. Los Angeles: Pyrczak Publishing, 2002. ISBN: 1-884585-43-4 (CPS)
Course Text Sites:
Companion site for TFY 7th Edition
Critical Reading for College and Beyond Companion site:
(Syllabus rev. date: 1/2008)
Consideration of cognitive skills and communicative strategies for defining, applying, analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating information. Course includes structural and operational approaches to task/mission analysis, decision-making, change forecasting, adaptation, and evaluation. Systems approach to analysis and solution of complex problems. Conceptual issues in problem definition, goal determination and measurement of effectiveness. (3 units)
Students will develop their cognitive skills and enhance their communicative strategies for defining, applying, analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating information. The course will incorporate the following University learner and institutional goals:
University learner goals 1 -6, and specifically (3.2) To examine objectively various sides of issues; (3.3) To utilize the procedures involved in systematic problem solving; and in English:: To develop basic academic and professional skills(1); To develop the ability to communicate effective in English, oral and in writing, and to read with understanding (1.1) and institutional goals , especially 1,(1.1-1.4), 2.4
The course sessions will include presentation, discussion, and application modes.
Students are expected to attend class, complete assignments, and to participate in individual and group work in a productive manner, and to take personal responsibility for meeting the objectives of the course.
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