Read through this list and identify all of those words you know and use with a 2; all of those you think you know, but don’t really use, with a 1; and any of the words you don’t know with a 0.
aberration acquiescence adroit affable ascetic
banal bigoted bilateral blatant brusque
bellicose bursar cathartic clandestine coalesce
cogent convivial condign copious credulity
debacle deductive didactic dogmatic dolorous
eclectic egregious emanate ennui esoteric
expiate façade fallible forte furtive
genre gestation gregarious guile heinous
heretic hiatus hybrid iconoclast illusive
impervious incipient indolent insular ineffable
jargon juxtaposition laconic lexicon lyric
maelstrom malign maxim minutiae mitigate
naïve nefarious noxious obdurate obsequious
ominous option ostracize parochial pedantic
pedagogy presage prolific punctilious quandary
quorum rancor rapacious recalcitrant rescind
rudiment sanguine satyr schism surreptitious
taciturn temporal termagant torpid turbid
ubiquitous urbane usurp vapid vacillate
versatile volition whimsical zealot zealous
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